Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nerd Night

Never have so many Apostolic nerds gathered in one place as the group that congregated at the Sibley's house last Saturday night, June 5th. There were nerds of all shapes, sizes, spectacles, and suspenders. Don't believe it? The proof's in the pictures...

Kenny relaxing in his nerdy ensemble

Whitney, simultaneous nerd and fashion model. How does she do it?

James and Austin. Austin wore his school badge for authenticity. If you doubted he was a nerd, he brought his credentials.

Even Steve Jobs (aka Collin Hebert), the millionaire nerd from Apple, dropped by for the party. Unfortunately, he didn't leave any complimentary iPhone 4's behind. Maybe next time...

"C'mon Collin, try 'em on. The ladies love it. Really! People stare at me all the time."


Stephanie didn't stand a chance when Kenny turned on the charm. Those red glasses did her in...

Josh and Kenny doing what nerds do best. What is that, you ask? Umm, we're not really sure...

Of course we had to have a Nerdiest Nerd Contest.

The line-up...

After much intense deliberation...

Drum roll, please...

Sam was declared the winner! His prize: a Wow 2009 CD. Wow!

Can't wait to see all of you nerds at the next Youth MASH!

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